Are there no words or are they just not to be found? I want to share what I feel but how to describe that feeling of burning from love so abundant yet tears ripping apart that same heart … don’t want to explain it would make it plain when it’s not it just is and […]
Het moest er van komen! Een bericht hier over Zweden... want dat is toch echt niet meer te ontkennen of overheen te kijken... we zijn momenteel namelijk in Zweden... en we BLIJVEN! Twee jaar geleden kwamen we hier voor het eerst, op vakantie. En meteen voelden we het... dit voelt als thuis... de rust, de […]
...on the Green fields of Glory. A place on the wide web where I hope to inspire and warm you with everything I encounter around me that is worth sharing.
If you are curious about the story behind the name Green fields of Glory, and who we are, you can read more via this button.
that this website would be some kind of big bookcase. An old wooden bookcase, slightly crooked, bulging with beautiful collected books over the years. Books of which some the title is barely readable anymore, but when you open it you can smell that it has been read with love time and time again. Books full of beautiful pictures, which would make you browse through them for hours. Books full of interesting knowledge that you would like to absorb and yet never become tired of.
It would be my bookcase... and I would make it available for you. I would offer you a lovely warm chair by the fire and leave you alone for a while with the crackling sound from the wood stove. And who knows .. maybe we would talk for hours with a delicious cup of tea afterwards.
Voor wie ons met een donatie zou willen ondersteunen is daar hier de gelegenheid voor. Wij gebruiken dit voor nieuwe (leer)materialen voor onze manier van leven, zodat we daar ook weer meer over kunnen delen.